Wednesday 12 March 2008

Lots of words

Yesterday I didn't upload anything because I was doing so much writing.  2,000+ words!  

The book I'm about to review arrived too, though I've barely flicked through it.  

Today, however, I won't get a moment to analyse music or any poems, so the baffling 'Cuex qui luttent' (Stevie Smith, set Elisabeth Lutyens, 1948) will have to wait.

'Ceux qui luttent'

Ceuex qui luttent ce sont ceux qui vivant.
And down here they luttent a very great deal indeed.
But if life be the desideraratum, why grieve, ils vivent.

What do I do about the multi-lingual pun between 'luttent' and 'lute' or 'loot', what about the latin--is it referring to Max Ehrmann's 'Desiderata': 'Go placidly amid the noise and haste, / and remember what peace there may be in silence.' and if so, why?  I have a day to chew on it.

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