Saturday 15 March 2008

Spring in my step

I've been working on the questionnaire I'm about to send out to you all.  It's a way for you to think about how you learn, how you best process information.  As well as the questionnaire that will soon arrive in your inbox, you might like to look at the VARK questionnaire.

I'm your typical academic.   I learn best by reading, only know what I think when I've written it, and like anaylsis, logical structures, books, experts, facts, details, lectures, and asking questions.

It's worth thinking about these things, as sometimes our problems are caused by not paying attention to our style , and trying to learn the way that suits our supervisor, our indeed our module leader...  (And sometimes writing and thinking blocks are best dealt with by leaving it behind and spending an hour in the garden--particularly now it's spring!).

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